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学名:Uromedina atrata
♂. Closely resembling caudata, but differing as follows: Head: Postorbit narrowed and darkened on upper 2/5 in profile; 8-16 frontal setae; gena slightly wider, 0.1-0.13 of eye height; arista with shorter plumosity, total width including plumosity about 3/5 as wide as widt of 3rd antennal segment; palpus slight darkened at base. Thorax:Prescutum with 4 black vittae, inner and outer vittae usually not fused with each other; scutum broadly blackish, with 2 longitudinal hitish pollinose stripes; sternopleuron with irregular rows of fine hairs in front of mid-coxa, in small specimens the rows of hairs sometimes interrupted; scutellum with fine but distinct lateral scutellar seta which is slightly shorter than scutellum distance between bases of 2 subapical scutellar setae about 2/3 as long as that between subapical and basal setae of same side. Wing: Costa without remarkably long hairs on its base; 2nd costal sector 2/5-1/2 as long as 3rd; basal node of vein R4+5 with 1-2 fine hairs dorsally and I hair ventrally; last section of vein M3 3/5-2/3 as long as discal crossvein. Legs: Slightly shorter than in caudata; fore tibia without ad and pd setae; mid-tibia subequal in length to mid-femur and slightly shorter than mid-tarsus, with 1 ad and 2 pd setae; hind tibia more weakly sinuate Abdomen: Slightly more thinly whitish pollinose than in caudata, pollinosity diffusing on posterior portion of each tergum; mid-dorsal longitudinal vitta dis- tinct on 3rd and 4th terga; 2nd tergum without median marginal setae; 5th tergum without prolonged “tail,” about 3/4 as long as 4th. Genitalia: Posterior lobe of 5th sternum occupying posterior 3/5 of sternum, posteromedian margin of posterior lobe weakly swollen and shining; 6th tergum free from, or narrowly fused on mid-dorsal portion with, synsternum 7+8; dorsal arm of hypandrium broad; cerci in lateral view weakly curved ventrally; surstylus in lateral view broad and truncate at apex; basiphallus without epiphallus; distiphallus with broad ventral sclerite. Body length, 3.9-6.7 mm; wing length, 3.9-6.3 mm. ♀. Differing from ♂ as follows: Vertex 0.2-0.21 of head width; interfrontal area about 3/5 as wide as parafrontal at middle; postorbit narrowed and darkened on upper 1/3; inner vertical setae crossing, about 1/2 of eye height; outer vertical seta about 2/3 as long as inner one; ocellar setae fine, about 1/3 as long as inner vertical seta; 1 reclinate orbital seta slightly longer than outer vertical seta; 2 subequally long proclinate orbital setae, slightly longer than reclinate one, anterior seta nearly level with anterior 1/3 of parafrontal in profile; 5-6 frontal setae; 3rd antennal segment 4.2-4.5× as long as 2nd, 3× as long as wide; palpus about 2/3 as long as 3rd antennal segment, slightly widened and flattened apically; hairs on thorax shorter and sparser than in ♂; wing wider than in ♂, 2nd costal sector about 3/7 as long as 3rd and slightly shorter than 4th; last section of wing vein M3 about 3/4 as long as discal crossvein; legs shorter than in ♂, hind tibia not sinuate; claws and pulvilli distinctly shorter than 5th tarsomere; abdominal dorsum more thinly pollinose than in ♂. Genitalia: 6th tergum narrowly divided on mid-dorsal portion into 2 hemitergites; 6th sternum 2/3 as long as 5th sternum; 7th tergum broad divided into 2 hemitergites; 7th sternum broadly membraneous on anteroventral portion; epiproct small; hypoproct strongly curved upwards at apical 1/2, apical portion modified into sharply pointed "piercer." Body length, 3.3-5.1 mm; wing length, 3.2-5.1 mm.